IT Hardware Maintenance

Rethink Your IT Hardware Maintenance Strategy

IT Hardware Maintenance Strategy

Every company has a hardware procurement strategy and may operate such for a long time. But if you took the time to look through the IT environment with an eagle eye focusing on the best business approach and budget strategy, you will see that there are changes to be made. If you had a growth mindset like this, you will a different approach to handling your hardware and maintenance strategy. So it’s important to rethink the IT Hardware Maintenance strategy.

Every Phase and period of deploying, managing and maintaining `IT assets should be about growth and development whether it is upgrading gears, improving the valuable life span, initiating third-party maintenance or reevaluating vendor criteria. A company grows by encouraging constant refining and development rather than sticking to static fixed methodologies. A company is only as relevant as the solution it brings to immediate problems and that is why it must follow the trend,

At Axentel Technologies when doing equipment procurement like switches, routers and servers we constantly look out for improvements in the field. Not all gear is the same or acquired the same way and this means they have to be treated differently. When perusing the secondary market, pre-owned hardware which has been referred to as old by the manufactures turn out to be large savings when properly cared for. When a company takes its time to evaluate hardware it calls “old”, it will discover the lapses in its procurement strategy. Axentel sees old hardware as opportunities for better saving, growth and uses this to improve hardware procurement strategy.

How to improve your maintenance support strategy.

With services like Axentel’s, when you are ordering a pre-owned gear, you enjoy certain benefits like on-time delivery to any part of the world at any time even when the gear come full configures, preassembled and customized. Manufacturer companies find it difficult to achieve this.

But you can save between 50% to 70% from the discounted price of new hardware considering age and intricacies of the environment. You can obtain current and new servers and other previous generation equipment made my all the major manufacturers at the secondary markets. Axentel Technologies work with secondary market leaders that have testing facilities that guarantee all gear is port-and load-tested. Every equipment is fully tested and configured.

Secondary market companies like Axentel technologies recognize the need to innovate, but this does not necessarily have to go over the budget even though it seems like the best option. An all-inclusive view of the network, data centre and storage environments will give you pointers to see how decisions in one area can affect the other.

Axentel offers IT asset disposition (ITAD) services to organizations that want to safely get rid of old and unused equipment. This process goes further to recycle, repurpose and resell this hardware or use it for innovative purposes.

Organizations must constantly get professional services including installation and distribution supervision to restrategize hardware maintenance and support options such that it fosters innovation.